Audi After Care (AAC) is a suite of optional loyalty products backed by Audi and designed to enhance Customer satisfaction and increase Customer loyalty to the Dealer and Audi. By incorporating these products into the business office, the Dealership will experience increased revenue and satisfied Customers who return to the Dealership for vehicle maintenance, service and repairs. The Audi After Care suite of products are optional (in exchange for payment of a fee) and consists of:
Mechanical Breakdown Protection
Mechanical Breakdown Protection (MBP) is a vehicle service contract product designed to protect Customers from the unexpected cost of mechanical repairs once their original manufacturer’s warranty has expired and in the event of a failure to a covered part. Mechanical Breakdown Protection is NOT an extension of the original manufacturer’s warranty.
Appearance Protection
Appearance Protection is the solution to many common vehicle mishaps that affect the vehicle’s appearance. It is available on new, Certified :plus and used vehicles, and can be added to almost any vehicle sale. This comprehensive coverage is designed to keep vehicles looking their best while maximizing resale value.
Loan Protection
Loan Protection provides life, disability, accidental disability and loss of employment coverage in exchange for payment of a premium. If an unforeseen life event occurs leaving a Customer unable to service their financial commitments, this coverage is in place to provide peace of mind and protect consumer credit standing.
Anti-Theft Protection is a vehicle theft deterrent system designed to help deter potential thieves from stealing a vehicle and provides Audi Loyalty Credits to consumers in the event of a covered loss and vehicle replacement from Audi.
Lease Excess Wear Waiver
Lease Excess Wear Waiver is designed to eliminate or reduce the potential out of pocket expenses of chargeable items that go beyond normal wear at lease end.
Vehicle Loss Privilege Program *
Vehicle Loss Privilege Program (VLPP) provides assistance in the event of a vehicle loss and is suitable for finance, lease or vehicles paid in cash. In the event of a covered vehicle loss, an Audi in-store loyalty credit can be redeemed at the Customer’s selling Dealership against the selling price of a replacement vehicle.
For more information regarding the suite of Audi After Care products, please refer to the product specific AAC Selling Dealer Guides for full details:
Dealer Portal:
*not available in Quebec