By following the certification process and program parameters, you ensure customers receive a premium Audi experience, and create residual streams of loyalty, revenue and profit.
Key elements of the Audi Certified :plus program include:
- Vehicle acquisition
- Sources of quality inventory could include: off lease, customer trade-ins, auction purchases, service lane
- Assess newly acquired inventory for program eligibility
- Program eligibility
- Vehicles must be a minimum of 4 months old or have at least 3,000 km
- Ensure vehicles pass the Comprehensive Inspection
- Any reconditioning required as a result of the inspection must be performed
- Inventory maintenance
- All vehicles in dealers inventory are to undergo the following activities:
- Perform the 30-Day Inventory Maintenance Checklist for every 30 days vehicle remains in inventory
- Check each vehicle in Elsapro for any Service Campaigns or Open Recalls, on a regular basis, and always before customer delivery. Any open campaigns need to be performed and closed by the Service Department before the vehicle can be delivered to customer/reported sold in OMD
- The 30-Day Inventory Maintenance Checklist can be found in AccessAudi
- Vehicle merchandising
- Audi vehicles may only be represented and merchandised as Audi Certified :plus once the Comprehensive Inspection and enrollment process is complete with “Approved-Sale Pending” status in VCAS
- This includes vehicles in your dedicated used vehicle showroom, dealership lot, dealer website, Used Car Locator (VTP) and in any and all promotional and advertising mediums
- Approved Point of Sale (POS) materials are available at: